Use case Qohm and Qam – Balaz Bauphysik

Balaz Bauphysik has been using the Qsources equipment for doing different types of measurements.

The sound source and amplifier combination was used in the reverberation room at the Fraunhofer Institute for Building Physics (Stuttgart) as well as on different construction sites. Agostino commented: “Qsources Qohm sound source is great for measurement of transmission losses in buildings in a wide frequency range. Light weight combined with a fantastic sound power output. Great job by the Qsources team!”. Agostino further added “We had a minor issue with the remote control of the Qam amplifier which Qsources resolved very quickly; good customer service.”

Peter van der Linden – Managing Director of Qsources commented: “We much appreciated the direct customer feedback from Balaz Bauphysik. This helps us to further improve our product offering and helps us deliver capable customer service. We are proud to have Balaz Bauphysik as one of our Qohm/Qam customers!”

Interested to find out more about Balaz Bauphysik please check out their website:

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